Guatemala City. 1981 | instagram

"I started making art out of necessity rather than desire. A need to emphasize certain issues or to concretely show how I understand phenomena. My artistic production arises from concerns I have as a woman in my environment and from the analysis of other people's work. In reference to the above, much of my production is based on the investigation of the textile tradition in Guatemala. I focus my study mainly on the güipiles (Mayan dress) of Guatemalan indigenous women. I am interested in examining the symbolism and the ways in which the medium and technique of a textile become a means of community representation and individual identity.

Not being trained in art, I use means of production to which I am attracted. Yarn and fabric become allies with which through basic techniques I manage to create physical ideas. In the development of my work I see weaving and embroidery as a form of manual writing that needs many elements to be achieved. And so, they become a language with both mental and physical dimensions.

This makes me propose pieces and procedures in which I treat the textile medium as a message container by analyzing the technique and elements that make it up".

— Andrea Monroy Palacios, 2023