March 2021


What’s left after lockdown?  How do we keep going after all the confinements, the emergency measures, the social distancing, and the crisis?

Beyond the masks, we keep breathing in secret.

The pandemic left us with new ways of seeking each other. Artists managed to form a telepathic way to communicate our feelings, fears, anxieties—all of our inner selves—towards an object, an action, or any way to materialize these emotions, feelings, and questionings that chase, stalk, and compel us.

In this exhibit, even though we cannot all gather in person, we feel the sensibilities of 11 artists alongside of those of each visitor. Chatting with the appropriate social distance which becomes intimate, like the hand that drew a picture, the hand which touched the medium.

Andrea, Ana, Angélica, Pichi, Manuel, Alejandro, Fernando, Norman, Josue, Gabriel, Yavheni, Silvia and Extra invite you to find each other, at a distance, in any way that you can.

Let sensibilities fill, at least for a moment, the air we aren’t occupying. Let the works shown here become a manifesto of the fact that we are still alive, thinking, breathing, even though we aren’t here in person. We can still relate to each other, and perceive these pieces as receptors, antennae, mirrors which hold the stare of the viewer, and bounce it towards whoever views it next.

— Gabriel Rodríguez Pellecer


Ana Werren
Andrea Monroy Palacios
Gabriel Rodríguez Pellecer
Manuel Chavajay
Antonio Pichillá
Alejandro Medina
Angélica Serech
Josué Samol Navichoc
Fernando Poyón