June 2021


solar wind

As Hofmannsthal said, “Profoundness should be hidden.
Where? On the surface.”
And Wittgenstein probed further than Hofmannsthal when he said:
“What is hidden does not interest us.”

— Italo Calvino 

The surface defines the inside from the outside, it is the limit or boundary of a body, which separates it and distinguishes it from what it is not, that external extension, small or large, which marks and delimits its volume in a given space. The world in its totality is made up of surfaces, where the human body is one more that manifests itself in the boundaries of the skin.

Viento solar by Gabriel Rodriguez gathers a series of works that force us to inquire that the body is part of that "fabric" of the world, of that surface, where things are an extension of the body and part of its complete definition, of something concrete where we become with the other, they are the inside of the outside and the outside of the inside, that the duplicity of feeling makes possible and without which we would never understand the almost presence and imminent visibility that configures the issue of the imaginary. Between the real, the imaginary and the symbolic, an approximation to the world that we see and is seen is constructed, from which subsequently a reality that is socially and historically regulated is consolidated and where the imaginary, as a symbolic space, is the resource to which hegemony appeals to configure the ways in which the body is regulated.

On the one hand, Rodriguez proposes a new narrative that configures the bodily experience itself, which manifests itself as a way of being and coexisting with the world, establishing an analogy with other surfaces that manifest themselves as a natural and material extension of his dwelling, of his doing, of his almost alchemical speculations that inquire into more complex processes that probe into the identity of the mestizo. Leather, linen and paper are transformed by charcoal, indigo, chlorine or the sun to investigate our surface.

— Cecilia Delgado Masse